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Coffee mornings Plus...


We have been running our coffee mornings for a few years now and know that people really enjoy coming and sharing time with each other.

So we have decided to provide an additional interest to our times together while we’re enjoying ourselves. Of course there will always be the usual set up with free beverages and fresh cakes and a chance to natter with your neighbours. But we thought the additional areas of interest might bring added fun to the occasion and mean that you can interest your local friends and neighbours in popping along when there is something to do that really interests them.


The programme below lays out what the 'plus' will be each month.

We hope you enjoy!


14th September 2019...Pure and simple coffee and catch up! 

We kick things off on the 8th September with a chance to catch up after the summer break and find out how everyone got on over August.

12th October 2019...knitting, galore & more!

Don’t know about you, but there seems to be a baby boom in my family alone! Would you like to try knitting something for someone? Knitting is very addictive once you start! If it’s something you’ve always wanted to have a go at, here’s your opportunity. There will be friendly people around from the local knitting club who can get you started and amaze you with their creations! We welcome crochet, quilting and any other craft too!


9th November 2019... Poppies for Peace, memories and a singalong

The day before Remembrance Sunday, it’s an opportunity to talk about our own memories and to learn something more.  Do you know about the Benares story, it’s impact on our local community and the lasting memorial to those who perished, above our church font? We’ll enjoy a sing-along with Jacqui taking requests from the piano! Poppies will be on sale and, we’re hoping, St Luke’s Hospice 2019 Christmas Card Collection.


14th March 2020... Sowing the seeds of Spring!


As Mother’s Day is on the 22nd March, we’re going to have a bit of fun planting some seeds for you to either simply enjoy on your window sill or to plant in the garden when they’re ready. Any grandchildren or young nieces & nephews might enjoy coming and having a go with you (if you’re up to it!) They can decorate their pots before planting the seeds. 

If you’ve collected seeds that you’re happy to share, we can all enjoy each other’s blooms too.


11th April 2020... Another trip down memory lane

Everyone loves the chance to share their memories. What’s the bravest, funniest, or most outrageous (if you dare share!) thing you’ve ever done? Let’s have some fun sharing over a cuppa. You can bring some old snaps you’d like to share too. There will be some fun memory games and as before, Jacqui will be at the piano to share some long-loved tunes of your choice.

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9th May 2020...The Famous Annunciation Plants Stall returns!

This is the perfect time to stock up on young plants for your garden, lovingly cultivated by our intrepid gardening community and sold at very reasonable prices. Last year everything was gone in the first 30 minutes – that’s a lot of plants! So get there early not to be disappointed.

14th December 2019... Christmas Fair & Labyrinth

Join us for coffee and some Christmas bargains. This year we’ll be bringing back our Xmas wreath making stall. Before you leave us…make sure you pop into the church to spend some quality time in the peace and tranquillity of our Advent prayer journey.This is a time to listen, to ponder and to just be. People of different faiths and non, have found it welcoming, inclusive, inspiring and refreshing – something for everyone. If you'd like to have a stall in our fair email Jacqui: jacquigoddard@mac.comor ring and leave a message at 0208 908 2252 to book your table. Again, we hope to have St Luke's Hospice 2019 Christmas Cards on sale.                                                                                                                                                                          

11th January 2020...Coffee morning, pure and simple

After all the festivities come and enjoy a simple get together to catch up as we all break in a new year together - as always after some very temptingly fresh home bakes.


8th February 2020... A good read or browse.

While the winter months are still with us it’s a good excuse to get cosily stuck into a good book or a magazine. Have you got a favourite you’d like to share? – just the one, mind!Once again it’s an opportunity to share with anyone interested why you liked it and would recommend it. You can lend it out or even do a swap if you’d like and get it back next month. Knitting and gardening books/magazines might be a welcome browse too. 

13thJune 2020... Family Summer Fair Cafe

Summer cafe with lots of lovely stalls to browse in the summer sunshine! (we hope!!)  as well as inside. If you'd like to have a stall in our fair email Jacqui: jacquigoddard@mac.comto book your table.                                                                                  (or ring and leave a message at 0208 908 2252)

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11th July 2020... Vegan on the menu?


After an amazingly fun and busy event last year we’re bringing our programme to an end with this fun and tasty experience once more. A vegan or vegetarian lifestyle has become the norm for many with lots of restaurants now having a wide range of options. Come and try some tasty vegan and veggie treats. If you enjoy cooking vegetarian or vegan food, do feel free to make something and bring it along for people to try.  We might even have some cooking demonstrations!!! 

Coffee Morning Plus breaks for the month of August.


See you on the 12th September2020

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