The Annunciation @ South Kenton
'The church on the corner' Windermere Avenue, HA9 8QT

...a season of realisation, revelation and discovery.
​9.30am every Sunday
Special Christmas Events:
8th - 25th December 2019
Advent Labyrinth Coffee Morning, Christmas Fair, Carol Service &
Kid's Christmas
Carol and Candles - Sunday 8th December at 5.30pm
Come and bring the family. We've brought time forward so that children can enjoy singing the carols too. Last year we had our lovely community choir made up of locals from within the church community and the local neighbourhood. We also enjoyed a couple of duets (our version of Open Mike!) that really got us in the Christmas spirit. Mulled wine, other beverages and mince pies were on offer as we and enjoy each others company having sung our hearts out. We're ready to do it all again! (slightly earlier this year so that we don't clash with other local seasonal events). So make sure you put the wonder into your Christmas this year by joining us to celebrate the season.
Advent Labyrinth: Friday eve 13th Dec - 6:00pm - 8:00pm & Saturday 14th Dec 10:00am - 12:00pm
Our special Christmas events continue with our ADVENT LABYRINTH in the peace and quiet of the church. Come and discover something about the journey of Advent. A labyrinth is traditionally a prayer walk. It is designed to be a multi-sensory environment where a sense of meditation naturally exists. People of all faiths or none are welcomed because you are free to explore it in your own way - their feedback has been that they are so glad they came and really took something special away from the experience. Come with a listening, open heart and you might even discover that God is speaking to you. With several stations to wander round and stop to pause for thought at before moving on, you can enjoy the atmosphere for 10 minutes or stay soaking it up as long as you like.​ At a time when we are all rushing about and there is a lot of hustle and bustle, this is a sanctuary for those needing peace and quiet and a time to find a reflective mood that will lift your spirit, wherever you are on the spiritual compass.
On the Friday evening, on completion of the labyrinth you will find a warm glass of mulled wine or a hot chocolate and a minced pie awaits in the side chapel at the front of the church.
Coffee morning, Christmas Fair and Advent Labyrinth: Saturday 14th Dec- 10:00am 'til 12:00pm
As well as the Labyrinth still being open on the Saturday morning...
Come and enjoy a lovely seasonal atmosphere in our church hall as our monthly Coffee Morning Plus joins forces with the fun of our annual Christmas Fair. With all the usual stalls you'd expect, including: craft stalls, nearly new toys & games and household items, Santa's lucky dip, bubbly bottle tombola, cakes for sale, jewellery, Avon, Neil's yard, and lots more. Free beverages and cakes as usual and a warm festive welcome to one and all!
Kid's Christmas - Tuesday 24th December at 4.00pm - 6.00pm
Our celebrations would not be complete without our Kid's Christmas party event on Christmas Eve. Come with your children and enjoy some lovely Christmas activities together before bedtime, to ensure sound sleeping before the reindeer arrive! The whole family are welcome. Activities will be suitable for children from 1 - 10 years old. We will have helpers on hand at all the activities. There will be some party food, music and a fun retelling of the Christmas Story to start their Christmas celebrations in earnest. So why not make it a date. Everyone always leaves with a happy heart.
Midnight Mass - Tuesday 24th December 11.30pm
We love to welcome anyone in and around the local neighbourhood (or even further afield) to come and join us for a very special, intimate Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. A slightly more reflective way of being ready to welcome in this most special of days - Christmas Day - to celebrate the birth of a child who would change the course of history in so many ways. Midnight Mass is a traditional way of welcoming in Christmas morning, that stretches back in history. We look forward to welcoming you there.
Christmas Morning Family Communion - Wednesday 25th December 10.00am - 11.00am
If you're more of an early bird than a night owl, we have our up beat Christmas morning celebration, which includes holy communion - a special way of being united in Christ as we celebrate his birth - God's practical gift of love to us all. Everyone can feel included in this exciting way to start Christmas morning and the whole family is welcome. Children can come with their favourite present and show it off if they would like and we sing some loved carols and Reverend Trevor shares a short festive talk, guaranteed to warm and inspire your heart. A good spiritual balance to the Christmas celebrations.